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Our Promise , Biology of
Disability is 
different than
the medical biology!

Biology of Disability is different than the medical biology 

We can understand medical biology is developed for the dispensing of medicines for each diseases based on the pathological findings. For that human body is classified as system of the body. And the references are based on such body systems and medicines are dispensing for that. But In the matter human disabilities and rare diseases , what is the role for the body systems. Here we have to understand the human has developed through two states and they are prepartum and post partum period. In another way, they are the two states of living in mothers womb and life after first cry. It is not the body system but it is state of life.

The two stages of human birth and development, pre-partum and post-partum, are typically defined in terms of structure and biology. While this knowledge is essential for understanding the physical body, it fails to capture the complexities of certain disabilities and rare diseases.

The prepartum period of pregnancy of a woman is also called the antepartum period or the prenatal period. It is the time from conception to the onset of labor. During this period, the woman undergoes physical and emotional changes to prepare for childbirth and motherhood. Some of these changes include hormonal fluctuations, weight gain, breast enlargement, nausea, fatigue, mood swings, and fetal development¹. The prepartum period is important for the health and well-being of the woman and the baby.

The prepartum period and the postpartum period are two phases of pregnancy that affect both women and men. The prepartum period is the time from conception to the onset of labor, while the postpartum period is the time from delivery to the recovery of the mother's body¹. Both periods involve physical and emotional changes that can affect the well-being of the parents and their relationship with each other and their baby¹².

Some of the changes that occur in the prepartum period for women include hormonal fluctuations, weight gain, breast enlargement, nausea, fatigue, mood swings, and fetal development.

Some of the changes that occur in the postpartum period for women include uterine contraction, vaginal bleeding, breast engorgement, lactation, hair loss, and hormonal shifts¹. For men, some of the changes include increased fatigue, irritability, depression, and bonding with the baby²³. The postpartum period is important for recovering from childbirth, caring for the newborn, adjusting to the new family dynamics, and receiving regular postnatal care and support

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